How Post Foods, Bazaarvoice, REA Group and GSMA Closed the Office 365 Identity Gap

There’s no question: Microsoft is making major waves with Office 365. We’ve recently shared insights on the blog highlighting that Office 365 is becoming one of the most commonly deployed apps across our customers. And as we’re talking with more leading enterprises migrating to Office 365, we’ve built some recommendations around addressing the…

Okta Wins Big As 2015 UK Cloud Awards' "Security Product of the Year"

It’s been a quite a start to FY2016 for Okta across the globe. Just last week, we announced the opening of our fourth office in Seattle, along with a slew of highlights from FY2015 that reflect our global growth and continued expansion, including increasing our customer count in the UK nearly 500 percent. And here in the UK, we’re also celebrating…

Building A Better Tomorrow, Today: Rotary International Tackles Humanitarian Challenges with Okta

Rotarians around the world are “building a better tomorrow,” but Peter Markos, Rotary International’s CIO, couldn’t wait until tomorrow to build a better He wanted to provide club members with the tools needed to eradicate polio, along with a handful of other noble initiatives, today. This global service organization is made up of more…

Managing Passwords, Speed Limits and Automobile Prices: Edmunds Drives Towards Success with Okta

Your car’s dashboard is fully equipped with the tools you need to drive safely, under the speed limit, with enough oil and in the right direction (hopefully you don’t need help with that, though). The folks at know a thing or two about these dashboards, as they provide prices for new and used vehicles of every type and stripe. But when…

A Day In The Life of Will Gunty: Okta's First In-House Database Administrator & Upcoming Percona Live Presenter

How familiar are you with databases? Do you know how they play into delivering Okta’s core products and services? Well, you’re about to know a little bit more than you already do. Meet Will Gunty, the man in charge of keeping Okta’s databases speedy and efficient, all while growing at an exponential rate. We sat down with Will to find out what it…


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