Announcing Business Authentication – Add Sign In with Okta to Your Apps

John Gronberg , May 23, 2018

You’ve most likely heard of (and experienced) social logins before. When signing up for a new website or app, instead of going through a tedious registration process, you’re given the option to use existing Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or LinkedIn credentials to gain access. This gives you access to more applications, without adding the burden of remembering additional usernames and passwords, or filling out long registration forms.

Okta has combined the painless user experience of social authentication with the rigid requirements of enterprise grade security to offer a seamless and secure business authentication experience through Sign In with Okta. Much like social logins, business authentication acts as the connective tissue between users and a product or app. Using Sign In with Okta, organisations can quickly and efficiently provide their employees, customers, and extended partner, supplier, and contractor ecosystem with a secure and delightful single sign-on (SSO) experience for any app or website.

The benefits of business authentication

If you’re a SaaS app vendor, Sign In with Okta eliminates the need for you to develop your own sign-in systems and enables users to sign in to multiple unrelated apps, without needing a separate identity and unique password for each one. Through Sign in with Okta we’re making it even easier for developers to use OpenID Connect as an alternative to Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) for enterprise-grade identity. Rather than going through the process of integrating a SAML toolkit, by adding a Sign In with Okta button to your product, app, or portal (through just a few lines of code), your developers can completely skip building authentication and managing user credentials, saving money and weeks of development time. This means it’s easier for even you to get your application into the Okta Integration Network and in front of thousands of enterprises.

As Chris van Loben Sels, general manager for OrgWiki at Veeva Systems, said, "Okta makes it easy for Orgwiki users to log in with the right account, similar to sign in tools for social authentication. Our developers were able to quickly implement business authentication into the application, and give customers strong security and identity management across all their users."

Now, if you’re an enterprise developer building a B2B application, Sign In with Okta makes it easier for you to open up your application to people in your extended enterprise such as your partners, suppliers, and contractors. By adding Sign In with Okta to your product or portal, you can accelerate adoption throughout the enterprise both by meeting enterprise security standards. Your IT administrators can now easily allow partners in the extended enterprise to bring their own identity to your applications, saving the hassle and complexity of configuring legacy trust relationships between different organisations.

Sign In with Okta helps developers, IT decision makers, and corporate executives keep pace with the ever growing threats of the modern authentication landscape — on average, a cyberattack occurs every 39 seconds. That means, chances are, your company or your data has already been a target. Sign In with Okta removes the risks of maintaining third-party passwords, and makes the end-user experience seamless and secure for employees and IT teams alike.

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