Customer Success: More Than Answering the Phone

Okta, January 8, 2014

When Okta’s co-founders set out to build a product that would help businesses adopt cloud and mobile technology, they started by asking CIOs about the challenges they faced adopting cloud. They worked off of constant feedback, evolving the product to best fit the customers’ needs -- and this focus on customer success, feedback and collaboration has been at the heart of Okta since then.

Four years later at our recent inaugural user conference Oktane13, Okta COO and co-founder Frederic Kerrest shared additional insight about what customer success means at Okta today. (Hint -- it’s still at the core of everything we do.) Hear about how we’re enabling customers to worry less about technology and focus more on innovative ways to drive top line value for the business in the keynote below.

At Okta, customer success goes beyond answering support calls. While support will always be important at Okta, it’s only part of how we make our customers successful. Customer success means putting ourselves in our customers’ shoes to understand the problems they are having before building a solution. It means working with customers to help them improve business functions, from rolling out mobile devices to employees all over the world to building external, customer-facing portals that are secure and seamless for end users. It means putting the customer before everything we do, and continuously ingraining their success into our company DNA.

As a part of our continued communication with our customers, we also announced the Okta Community at Oktane13, giving our customers a forum to interact not only with the Okta team but also with each other. Within the Okta Community, Okta customers, partners and prospects can ask questions and share best practices for working with Okta. Be sure to check it out!