Helping Doctors Do What They Do Best: Okta Becomes a Member of Align Biopharma

Nadav Benbarak July 13, 2017

We recently spoke to the CIO of a large healthcare provider whose top priority this year is “restoring joy to the medical profession.” His goal is to eliminate the friction caused by the technical burden of adopting and maintaining IT systems. Unfortunately, these processes often fall on healthcare professionals (HCPs). They answer emails, log into reporting systems, enter data into patient records and engage in other tedious tasks that take away from the caregiving portions of their job that bring them joy.

The many unnecessary IT hassles that physicians face are partially responsible for the burnout that affects 50% of physicians and caregivers. In addition to the direct and severe impact this has on the lives of clinicians, burnout also degrades the quality of care, and thereby decreases the quality of patient outcomes. Clinicians face a wall of pressures every day — and fortunately, healthcare IT teams are in a prime position to help alleviate those pressures. It’s time for healthcare IT teams to take a step back and think about how they can restore joy for the care teams they support.

It’s in this context that we’re excited to announce we have joined Align Biopharma, an industry standards organization that’s working to reduce identity-related hassles for HCPs. An identity standard for HCPs will pave the way to reducing the number of accounts and passwords a practitioner must remember, and put their valuable time where it belongs – with patients, not with password resets.

Thanks to the cloud, it’s now possible to solve a challenge of this scale. But technology alone is not enough. It takes an industry standard to align disparate organizations to trust and connect to a unified healthcare provider identity. As a member of Align Biopharma, our team at Okta – led by Chuck Fontana, VP of Business Development, Stephen Lee, Sr. Director of Partner Solutions, Karl McGuinness, Sr. Director of Identity, and Nadav Benbarak, Head of Healthcare Solutions – will continue to help healthcare providers adopt any technology without sacrificing security or user experience.