Okta for Startups: Free Identity Tools for Entrepreneurs

Frederic Kerrest, December 6, 2017

As entrepreneurs, we face various challenges: we have to build a business model for something that hasn’t been done before, while building a product or service, and convincing customers of our vision – all on top of getting the core of a business up and running.

2It’s no small undertaking; founding a company is hard. But getting those core systems set up – many of which have been created and refined by experts for years – doesn’t have to be. That’s why today we’re launching Okta for Startups, a program that takes care of the user and access management for both your app and your internal infrastructure.

With Okta for Startups, young and growing organizations will be able to use Okta’s identity tools for up to 25 employees, contractors and partners through the Okta Identity Cloud for free. And any organization that wants to use Okta’s API offerings to build secure user management into their web or mobile app will also have the option to use Okta’s APIs for up to 20,000 annual monthly active users. That means developers and business leaders can easily manage the rapidly growing network of people, applications and devices connected to a business – all at no cost.

We’ve built a powerful network at Okta, and we believe in the potential for the next generation to help drive the industry forward. We’re proud to offer this new program to enable new and growing companies like Agile Stacks, a startup that makes it easier to quickly implement a full stack DevOps automation for cloud environments, and People.ai, a Y Combinator grad that helps align sales and marketing through data. Now startups like these can focus on what’s most important when they’re getting started – their core business and customers – by making it easy (and free) to build a foundation of identity and access management into your app or company infrastructure.

If you’re interested in taking Okta for Startups for a trial run, or would like to get more information, reach out to our team at OktaforStartups@okta.com.