Okta Community Announces Monthly Buzz Newsletter Series

Leila Dunning December 7, 2022

In the Okta Community, we wanted to offer our members a chance to more easily engage with other members and access our self-service resources. That’s why we developed a new, regular newsletter series — Monthly Buzz.

The Community team is excited to inform and inspire you every month with all things community, including the latest community enhancements, product updates, resources, trending community topics, and more. The newsletter is published in the Okta Community the first week of each month. 

The Okta Community is a one-stop shop for people to learn about all things Okta, unlock new skills, and connect with fellow Okta users. Here, you can access help and support resources, ask and answer questions, collaborate with fellow admins, browse product documentation, explore the product roadmap, submit product feedback, and get in touch with our support teams. To learn more about Okta Community, read our Getting Started Guide.

You can check out the latest and greatest highlights from our November Monthly Buzz here! There’s a ton of great content and resources that we hope you find helpful. If you missed October’s highlights, read them here. We also look forward to sharing more exciting updates with you next month.

We value your feedback and would love your thoughts on our newsletter series. So please comment directly in the newsletter or join the conversation in the Community Central Discussion Group or the Questions Forum.