Okta and Zylo Bring SaaS Management Integration

Denise Lu, Meghan Spork May 2, 2023

At Okta, we continue to grow and evolve our integration points to make the Identity and Access Management (IAM) journey secure, scalable, and flexible. In addition to Single Sign-On, Lifecycle Management, Log Streaming, and Workflows integrations in the Okta Integration Network (OIN), we’re excited to introduce API Service Integrations, now Generally Available. This is an important integration that provides our builder ecosystem a way to use Okta’s existing OAuth2 support to connect to the Okta Management API, as well as do more than just authenticate users. 

Our newly launched API service integration provides greater data control and security

We’ve found that customers find the most success with integrations that are: 

  • Easier to configure: With fewer manual steps to configure, there’s no need to set up additional service account licenses when an employee leaves. 
  • More Secure: Based on the principle of least privilege, OAuth 2.0 allows you to authorize access to only the resources required for the integration. 
  • More Reliable: When an admin leaves the company, this connection won’t break.

Better together with Zylo

As the enterprise leader in SaaS Management, companies of all sizes leverage Zylo’s enterprise-proven technology and SaaS Management expertise to control the rising costs and risks of SaaS, while improving software adoption by employees.

​​Zylo’s 2023 SaaS Management Index report found that SaaS portfolios grow alongside enterprises with

  • 2,501-5000 employees: 422 Apps
  • 5,001-10,000 employees: 392 Apps
  • >10,000 employees: 664 Apps

Each of these applications comes with its own terms of use and renewal timeline. Managing them effectively requires a platform such as Zylo to provide governance, prevent shadow IT, and provide employees with reasonable restrictions to use tools they are familiar with.

ISVs: Upgrade your integration today with API Services

Security / Zero Trust 

With commonly used SSWS API tokens, our customers often provide an integration with more access than it needs (even with a read-only admin API token). API Service Integrations leverage Okta’s existing OAuth2.0 scopes so our customers can give access only to the resources needed and nothing more.

A better configuration experience

Previously, setting up an API integration required a lot of manual steps. Often, this included creating a services account. API Service Integrations give customers a click-to-configure experience from the OIN catalog that’s simple and branded! Since the integration is a service and not a user, the connection won’t break when an admin leaves an organization.

Self-service registration and OIN catalog listing

Once your integration is built, submit and get it published to the OIN.

Customers: Check out our API Service Integrations offerings

API Service Integrations are available in self-service and require Super Admin privileges to configure:

  1. Go to Applications > API Service Integrations to search for an integration.
  2. To authorize access to your Okta org, select Install & Authorize. 
  3. To complete the configuration, ensure you have an account in the ISVs application. 

Ready to start building? Check out our integrator developer documentation:

Or, create a private integration through the in-product app wizard!