Workflows for Customer Identity Cloud (CIC): Automating and customizing Identity processes with no-code

Max Katz October 4, 2023

Developers often face the challenge of personalizing Customer Identity flows, which typically involves writing custom code or scripts. However, this approach can be complex, time-consuming, and resource-intensive, limiting the ability to implement personalized campaigns that drive a strong customer experience and promote retention.

To empower developers to personalize Customer Identity flows quickly, Okta has expanded the capabilities of their no-code Identity platform, Okta Workflows. It now includes support for various use cases within the Okta Customer Identity Cloud (CIC).

What is Workflows for CIC? 

Okta Workflows is a no-code automation platform for Identity. Customer Identity Cloud (CIC) by Auth0 is a solution for adding authentication and authorization services to (consumer) applications. To help developers extend and customize Customer Identity with custom logic, Auth0 has Actions. Actions provides a visual drag-and-drop interface for building custom Identity flows.

Auth0 Actions


With the new Workflows for CIC capability, developers can use no-code to customize and extend Auth0’s custom logic.

Workflows for CIC has two capabilities: 

  • Trigger a Workflows flow from an Auth0 Action
  • Call the Auth0 Management API through a pre-built connector in Workflows

Workflows for CIC examples

Some examples of what you can accomplish with Workflows for CIC: 

  • Remediate suspicious login 
  • Require stricter authentication
  • Capture user consent 
  • Send personalized marketing campaigns
  • Provide access to downstream apps upon registration 

The example below shows taking action on high-risk customer logins by alerting the security team with a ServiceNow ticket with relevant details.

The screenshot below shows the login flow running when a user logs in. 

Auth0 flow calling a Workflows flow


The login flow triggers the Workflows flow shown in the screenshot below: 


Flow to check for high-risk logins


With the information received from the Auth0 Login flow, the Workflows flow checks if this is a high-risk login. If it is a high-risk login, it creates a ServiceNow ticket for the security team to respond. 

Workflows for CIC templates you can use today

The Workflows team published Workflows for CIC templates you can try today:



Create ServiceNow Ticket for High-Risk Login

Take action on high-risk customer logins by alerting the security team with a ServiceNow ticket.

Create Contact in Salesforce

Automatically use Okta Workflows to sync to your CRM and drive new leads. 

Create Lead in Marketo

Sync customers to Marketo, enabling you to engage with your users to increase engagement and retention quickly.

Link New Users to Existing Accounts Based on Email

Streamline Customer Identity management by automatically linking duplicate accounts in Auth0.

Add Inactive Users to Marketo List for Remarketing


Re-engage your customers and drive more visits to your website by automatically tracking customers who have yet to log in and reaching out to them. 

Clean Up Inactive Users

Enhance your application's overall security by removing abandoned accounts, which are less likely to have strong passwords and multi-factor authentication.

Workflows for CIC resources 

The following resources can help you learn more about Workflows for CIC: