Securing Remote Work Any Time, Anywhere, at Scale

Maureen Little, June 25, 2020

Today, we’re excited to announce how Okta is working with CrowdStrike, Netskope, and Proofpoint to help organisations implement a modern, comprehensive, and integrated security strategy needed to protect today’s dynamic and remote working environments at scale.

The COVID-19 pandemic has ignited a sudden shift to remote work, driving an acceleration in cloud adoption and zero trust security approaches to account for people and assets now outside the confines of a traditional perimeter.

This rapid transition has forced security and IT teams to find and deploy more robust security solutions quickly, but many need more tactical guidance to execute successfully. A modern zero trust-centric security approach isn’t ‘one size fits all’ — it starts with a secure and robust identity and access management plan, and is reinforced through seamless integration between multiple providers and solutions.

Seamless Zero Trust Security

Working in coordination with one another, Okta, CrowdStrike, Netskope, and Proofpoint share strategies and pre-integrated solutions to provide a comprehensive, best-of-breed security stack. The goal is to enable IT and security teams to secure every remote workforce — regardless of app, data, endpoint or location.

Okta, Crowdstrike, Netskope, and Proofpoint make remote work as simple and secure as on-premises work.

  • Okta establishes Zero Trust to securely connect the right people to the right technologies for remote and on-premises teams, enabled by an intuitive single sign-on and powered by adaptive multi-factor authentication.
  • CrowdStrike protects all endpoints that access the enterprise, providing advanced threat hunting, next-generation antivirus protection, and tools for proactive incident response.
  • Netskope provides web, cloud, and data-centric security to protect enterprise assets anywhere, and delivers contextual understanding that helps secure proprietary information everywhere.
  • Proofpoint protects against today’s complex people-based attacks, defending against phishing, malware, and other workforce attacks with deep visibility and behavioural training.

Unrivalled Protection Across a Distributed Workforce

Through integrated solutions, organisations can take a powerful, proactive approach to enterprise defence including:

Provide safe access to applications and data, from anywhere, on any device

Organisations can move beyond legacy VPNs for remote network access with this modern, secure application-specific solution. Netskope and Proofpoint replace VPNs and enable Zero Trust network access (ZTNA), Okta enables modern identity and access management, and CrowdStrike embeds strong endpoint security to secure applications and network resources. Organisations will reduce the attack surface by adhering to Zero Trust access for all users.

Add layers of data protection with enhanced cloud and web security

Organisations gain a comprehensive understanding of where data is within their cloud and web environments, regardless of device, network, or location. The integrated solution provides extra layers of protection when users browse the web or use cloud apps, and also provides visibility into potentially risky behaviours, now that corporate resources are more easily accessible and more employees are working remotely. With strong DLP and data protection solutions from Proofpoint and Netskope combined with identity and device controls from Okta and CrowdStrike, organisations can defend against cyberthreats and meet compliance requirements.

Strengthen and integrate endpoint security

This solution allows organisations to enhance security for all endpoints and integrate threat signals to quickly detect and respond. It combines strong endpoint security from CrowdStrike with identity and data security from Okta and Netskope to protect against known and unknown malware, including malware-free attacks on corporate and personal devices.

Take a proactive approach to defence and streamline remediation

With these integrations in place, organisations can exchange threat forensics between cloud and endpoints to enhance their security posture. Integrations across partners streamline shared intelligence across tools, automates response workflows, and takes a proactive approach to defence in depth.

Make the end user an asset to the security team

Educate end users on modern threats and the best ways to respond, while ensuring their access to IT tools and apps are uninterrupted. Organisations can turn users into a strong last line of defence — regardless of where they work — with security awareness training.

Learn more

To learn more about this alliance, and how Okta is empowering organisations to embrace secure remote work, check out the resources below.