Happy Valentine's from Okta: Top 20 Apps Our Customers Love

Alyssa Smrekar February 13, 2015

Now, we know Valentine’s Day isn’t everyone’s favorite holiday. Not everyone’s a sucker for heart-shaped cards, flowers, pricey dinners and chocolate – we get that. Still, we like to have a little fun with the holiday - and a couple years ago we compared passwords to Valentine’s.

This year we’re doing something pretty sweet with data from our customers. Below we’ve reimagined the Okta Application Network as a box of chocolates - highlighting the top 20 most commonly deployed and used applications in the Okta network, the 20 apps our customers love.

Give them all some love and check out our over 4,000 applications in the Okta Application Network. And check out our latest customer love campaign on Twitter with #14DaysofOktaLove.

1) Salesforce.com 2) Microsoft Office 365 3) Box 4) Google Apps 5) Concur 6) Amazon Web Services 7) Zendesk 8) LinkedIn 9) Dropbox 10) DocuSign 11) Facebook 12) Twitter 13) ADP Portal 14) WebEx 15) GoDaddy 16) Outlook Web Access - 2010 17) Workday 18) Yammer 19) FedEx US 20) Google Apps Admin