Power Up for #Oktane15: Announcing Keynote Speakers Walter Isaacson and Bill Nye

Alyssa Smrekar August 12, 2015

We’re well into the sultry, dog days of summer (well, unless you live in San Francisco) and that means our biggest event of the year is only a few months away. Already, Oktane15 is on track to be our largest gathering as we prepare for 1,000+ cloud and mobile enthusiasts to converge at MGM’s ARIA Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. There will be more sessions, speakers and networking opportunities than ever before.

If moving the event to Las Vegas isn’t enticing enough, then take a look at our keynote speakers. In addition to appearances by Okta’s co-founders Todd McKinnon and Frederic Kerrest and our stellar customers, we’re excited to reveal a top-notch lineup of speakers that will inspire, entertain and leave you powered up throughout the three-day event.

Without further ado, let us introduce you to our Oktane15 keynote speakers:

Walter Isaacson, best-selling author and acclaimed historian, will kick off the event on Tuesday, November 3. Walter is president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, a Washington DC-based educational and policy studies nonprofit, and author of the acclaimed biographies of Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs, along with his most recent book, The Innovators, which explores the digital revolution and the people who brought it to life. As a “kindred spirit to the visionaries and enthusiasts” he writes about, Walter will share his insight and perspective on technological innovation and those who lead it. A longtime reporter, Walter has also served as CEO of CNN and an editor of TIME magazine, which featured him in 2012’s distinguished TIME 100 list.

You guys talked, and we listened for our next speaker – a clear fan favorite from our customer advocates.Bill Nye, one of America’s favorite scientists, will fuse his technical expertise and scientific prowess – maybe even bust out a move or two – as one of our closing speakers on Wednesday, November 4. Known to many as the bowtie and lab coat-clad man asking us to “consider the following” or juggling his way through experiments as host of the Emmy Award-winning TV series, “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” we can only imagine what he has in store for us at Oktane15!

Before he combined his love of science with his flair for comedy, Bill was an engineer at Boeing. Now as the CEO of The Planetary Society, the world’s largest non-government space-interest group, he is taking the country by storm to talk about climate change, science and space exploration.

Ready to be inspired?

If you haven’t already, make sure to visit the Oktane15 website for more information. Make sure to grab your Oktane15 justification letter and don’t forget to register before Monday, August 31 to take advantage of our Early Bird discount. Be sure to check back in on the Okta Blog for more information on new speakers, additional sessions and more updates.