Grappling with the aftermath of a global pandemic and navigating the complexities of an austerity-driven economy, cybersecurity leaders find themselves at a crossroads. In the wake of macroeconomic uncertainties, these leaders are under increasing pressure to validate their investments to executive decision-makers. The challenge is twofold: How can they foster business growth while simultaneously making prudent financial decisions about their organisation’s SaaS stack, especially when it comes to enhancing security measures? At Oktane 2023, I was joined by a panel featuring Darin Hurd, executive vice president (EVP) and chief information security officer (CISO) at Guaranteed Rate, and Rick DeLoach, deputy CISO at ADT, to discuss this topic. Their perspectives provided compelling insights into the tangible value of Identity, not just as a means to mitigate risk and fortify cyber resiliency but also as a strategic tool to propel key business initiatives forward. Here are my takeaways from the session: Guaranteed.