Get Involved with Oktane21: Share Your Identity Story

Sameera Kelkar September 24, 2020

The innovation and vision of Okta customers is what drives our product road map. Their rigorous requirements and need to securely connect people and technology sit at the foundation of our business and product strategy.

Each year at Oktane, we share our latest product announcements and innovations, and are joined by customers who share their experience putting Okta solutions into practice. Oktane provides an opportunity for everyone to connect, share, learn, and expand what they may have thought was impossible. 

Oktane21: Back at it again

As we plan for Oktane21, taking place April 6-8, 2021, we want to hear from those of you who haven’t joined us before, and are eager for updates from Oktane regulars. 

As customers are an integral part of Oktane, they play an important role in shaping the content of the event. And as we build our agenda for the industry-leading identity conference, we’re looking for innovative speakers to share their identity story. That could be you! 

So, what will you get out of it? The admiration of your peers. Acknowledgement of leadership in your industry. Fame, fortune… you know, the usual. 

Travis Tripp, Technologist and Architect at HPE Greenlake, spoke at Oktane20 about deploying Okta at record speed. On his experience as an Oktane presenter, he said, “Speaking at Oktane was a great way to share HPE’s experience and best practices deploying Okta in a matter of months, learn from others experiencing similar challenges, and connect with other identity and access management experts. The Okta team makes the experience easy and fun by helping you prepare your content and providing you with the resources to make you successful.” Interested yet?

Looking for inspiration? 

Oktane21 conversations will revolve around the following high-level themes. Take a read-through and see which ones speak to your experience with Okta’s identity platform. Where does your expertise lie, what inspires you, and what story would you like to tell?

  • Cloud Access: With a focus on SSO, Universal Directory, and Advanced Server Access, the sessions in this category will cover themes that are both familiar and essential to all businesses. Topics will include accessing enterprise web apps, scaling access to new cloud technologies, and managing, consolidating, and protecting various users across multiple sources.
  • Customer First Success Stories: The Okta Customer First team is one that is fully dedicated to ensuring customers are successful using Okta. These sessions will showcase how customers have leveraged their services (which include Education Services, Professional Services, Customer Success, and Customer Support) to achieve long term success. Did the Professional Services team help accelerate your deployment? Did your Customer Success Manager help you achieve key business objectives? Did training courses or certification set your team up for success? If so, we want to hear from you!
  • Developer: By taking a close look at the intricacies of web, mobile, and API security, these sessions will tackle practical implementation and best practices for securing your apps and APIs from a security perspective. If you have a story about how your organization is implementing practical cryptography or best practices for API security, we’d love for you to come and share.
  • Future of Identity: These presentations are all about looking to the horizon and forecasting how tomorrow’s technologies, innovations, and approaches will impact the identity space and shape business goals and growth. Join the stage with the likes of Okta experts and community members like Marc Rogers, Karl McGuiness, and the CEO of Ockam, who have presented on topics such as privacy, continuous authentication, and IoT security.
  • Hybrid IT: In the Hybrid IT track, you will learn what it takes to secure environments with both on-premises and cloud systems. Understand our vision, roadmap, and features to empower your hybrid IT: from retiring Active Directory, to enabling work from everywhere, to adopting modern access control in traditional on-prem apps. Furthermore, take the real-life advice, gotchas, traps, and best practices to implement identity in complex hybrid IT environments shared by customers and specialists.
  • Integrations: For attendees who want to broaden and deepen their knowledge of Okta's integration flexibility, these sessions will showcase the different, creative ways customers leverage Okta's various integration technologies to drive their business. If your organization is using Okta Hooks to extend Okta for interesting use cases, leveraging 3rd party connectors, or are using Okta Workflows, this might be the right theme for you.
  • Lifecycle Management: The lifecycle management track is for those who wish to automate IT, specifically the onboarding and offboarding processes for all users. Learn about Okta's automation capabilities and our investments in technologies to govern access. 
  • Security: This track is focused on how to secure your customer's accounts from all identity attacks. Attendees in this track will cover a range of topics focused on adaptive authentication, bot detection, identity proofing, fraud, risk scoring, AI/ML research, biometrics, application security workflows, response, etc. Frankly, the very best and cutting edge of application security. 
  • User-Experience + Analytics: Learn how Okta can help you and your organization set up customizable, frictionless access flows and progressively build a 360 degree view of your customers to bring them a personalized, omnichannel experience. 
  • ZeroTrust: As companies adapt to the changes of a dynamic and distributed workforce, security teams are on the hook to protect the business without impacting productivity. These sessions will cover why identity is the foundation for an effective Zero Trust strategy, and how to implement the right guard rails to meet compliance requirements— without blocking the speed of the business.

Share your vision and the impact of your hard work

Our Okta teams are great at what they do. But when tenacious and visionary customers talk about how they used identity and access management to solve a problem or change the stakes of an entire industry—that’s powerful. 

As speakers you will also receive exclusive perks, networking access, and speaker resources to help you prepare. 

Got a great idea for a session? Please submit your session details via our Call for Speakers by November 9, 2020.