During the past few weeks, I’ve written about what it takes to build a cloud service that’s ready for the enterprise. Essentially, there are three characteristics that set true enterprise cloud services apart from their consumer counterparts: Security. Reliability. Trust. When evaluating an enterprise cloud service for those characteristics, there are five traits to look at: Development for the enterprise Endless 9s reliability Benchmarked and audited service Strong encryption throughout Singular focus on the customer I saved the “strong encryption throughout” category for the finale because it’s the most important component — and it’s very easy to do incorrectly. Before coming to Okta, I helped run a security research and consulting firm based in Seattle. By traditional company numbers, IOActive was not very large at 50 employees. However, managing 40 white-hat hackers — in 15 different countries — is a lot of work! And despite its size, IOActive is.