Today, tech giants like Netflix, Amazon, Uber, eBay, and Groupon are embracing microservices as part of their technology and business strategies. But it’s not just the giants embracing this approach: companies of all sizes are realising that microservices are an essential part of their business. But first, let’s back up: what are microservices, anyway? Microservices are small, loosely coupled services that make up a larger application. Unlike monolithic architecture—where all services and code are contained within a large and complex application—microservices are autonomous units that deliver on the various components of an application. They present a number of benefits for developer teams and the broader business. But as with any other application architecture, it’s important that organisations consider the security implications that come alongside them. Here are some benefits and the best practices businesses should know. What are the core benefits? As independent units, microservices are easier and more cost-effective.