This update was posted at 8:50 AM, Pacific Time. ++ On March 22, 2022, nearly 24 hours ago, a number of screenshots were published online that were taken from a computer used by one of Okta’s third-party customer support engineers. The sharing of these screenshots is embarrassing for myself and the whole Okta team. In this post, I want to provide a timeline and my perspective on what has transpired, and where we are today with this investigation. I hope that it will illuminate why I am confident in our conclusions that the Okta service has not been breached and there are no corrective actions that need to be taken by our customers. By way of background, like many SaaS providers, Okta uses several companies (“sub-processors”) to expand our workforce. These entities help us to deliver for our customers and make them successful with our products. Sitel, through its acquisition.