Compliance and Consent: The Privacy Factors that Help Drive User Trust

If there’s one thing we took away from this year’s RSA Conference, it’s that privacy is top of mind for today’s organisations. But how can they abide by the many emerging privacy regulations without creating tedious user experiences? The answer: by adopting secure data handling practices that build user trust—while still providing delightful…

Putting Privacy First: Takeaways from RSA Conference 2020

What happens when you put hundreds of security professionals in a room? They come together to identify and discuss the emerging cybersecurity trends, challenges, and opportunities. At this year’s RSA Conference, the theme was “Human Element,” reminding us that every technology-related decision, innovation, and risk has direct impacts on…

The NIST Privacy Framework: Why it Matters

Okta’s vision is to be the platform that enables any organisation to adopt any technology. To achieve that goal, it’s critical that Okta customers and partners have complete trust in our ability to keep their data private and secure. As such, we are constantly aligning our operations with comprehensive data privacy standards, developing best…