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The State of Zero Trust Security 2023

We surveyed more than 800 decision-makers to learn how organisations worldwide are embracing Zero Trust to keep their people, assets, and infrastructure safe.

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Two workers in an office collaborate at a computer

Our report finds growing adoption of Zero Trust: 61% of all organisations now have a defined Zero Trust security initiative in place, and another 35% plan to implement one within the next 18 months.

Here’s what else we discovered…

Graph showing percentages of people who plan on having a defined Zero Trust initiative vs people who have a defined strategy in 2021 through 2023.

Zero Trust adoption has surged since 2021

Two years ago, our annual survey found that just 24% of respondents had a Zero Trust strategic initiative in place. That figure climbed to 55% last year, and to 61% today.

“Does your organisation have a defined Zero Trust security initiative today, or do you plan to implement one within the next 18 months?”

David B Profile

"Organisations around the world are taking tangible steps towards Zero Trust. Identity is critical for keeping these complex, global workforces collaborating securely and productively."

- David Bradbury
Chief Security Officer

Graph showing percentages of how important Identity is to Zero Trust security strategies.

Identity is now mission critical

More and more organisations have come to realise that strong Identity Access Management (IAM) is a fundamental strategy to keep people and assets safe. In fact, 91% of respondents said that Identity is important to their Zero Trust strategy.

Across regions, Identity plays a critical role in powering Zero Trust initiatives. North America leads the way, with nearly two thirds of respondents rating Identity extremely important, and nearly one third deeming it somewhat important.

By the numbers


say Identity is extremely important for Zero Trust


say it’s somewhat important

Zero Trust spending is still rising

While budgets are tightening all over the world due to macroeconomic pressures, Zero Trust spending continues to grow. 80% of survey respondents reported that their budgets for Zero Trust security initiatives have increased over the previous year.

Graph showing percentages of how budget for Zero Trust has changed over the last 12-18 months.

Graph showing percentages of top challenges to adopting a Zero Trust solution.

Challenges to Zero Trust adoption remain

This year, respondents reported a mix of headwinds when establishing Zero Trust, including cost concerns, technology gaps, and privacy regulations/data security.

FedEx: Connecting 340,000 employees to connect the world

Learn how FedEx verifies thousands of users and devices with a Zero Trust security model.

Read the story

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