“Best-of-breed technology” refers to the leading applications, systems, or software in a niche or category. When organisations take a best-of-breed (or “best-in-breed technology”) approach to building their technology stack, it involves selecting various tools that serve specific purposes. Put another way, instead of purchasing a product suite from a single vendor that tries to cover multiple bases, it means adopting specialised solutions from many vendors, and integrating them. For example, a business can select a human resources solution from one vendor (e.g., Workday), a customer relationship manager from a different provider (e.g., Salesforce), and a communication platform from yet another company (e.g., Slack). This helps guarantee that employees are using the best solution for each function of their job. With the basics out of the way, let’s take a closer look at how using best-of-breed technology compares to single-vendor solutions, and how organisations of every size can.