


Gus Shahin:  Flex is a sketch to scale supply chain solutions provider. We design, manufacture and distribute products for over a thousand customers. We have over 120 locations, factories, around the world. Our business is very dynamic. We operate in 12 major industries where we have over a billion dollars of revenue.

That gives us a very good insight of the global economy. Everybody wants their product on the shelf faster. That's become much more important than actually making it cheaper these days. Having an effective, fast, supply chain to be able to do that is key. IT plays akey role in that.

The primary initiatives that I have for my team the last two and a half, three years, has been cyber security diligence, best of breed, and business productivity.

Friedrich W:  Security is not just any more like a support function, but a business enabler. We had our supplier portal which was separate solutions and separate access management. Where each of the solutions had to do their own de-provisioning and provisioning of accounts. Our concern was that we are not able to manage all of these accounts in the way that we wanted. We had to find a centralized solution.