Alphanumeric Characters and Alphanumeric Password Requirements
Alphanumeric Characters and Alphanumeric Password Requirements
Alphanumeric Characters and Alphanumeric Password Requirements
An alphanumeric password contains numbers, letters, and special characters (like an ampersand or hashtag). In theory, alphanumeric passwords are harder to crack than those containing just letters. But they can also be harder to both create and remember.
Almost 80 percent of us reset our passwords every 90 days due to simple forgetting. It’s hard to think about making passwords even more complicated.
But this simple step could help protect a company’s important assets and valuable data.
What is an alphanumeric password?
Does your password contain simple alpha characters? If you type in something like "password" to get into your system, you don't have an alphanumeric password. If you must tap in "p@ssw3rd$," you're following the rules we're discussing here.
When your company enables an alphanumeric password requirement, you're required to use a password with:
Letters. Anything from A to Z counts. You might be required to mix uppercase and lowercase versions.
Numbers. Anything from 0 to 10 works.
Special characters. Unusual symbols from dashes to dollar signs to parenthesis are included.