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Workforce Identity Cloud: Roadmap & Feature Releases Webinar

Workforce Identity Cloud: Roadmap & Feature Releases Webinar

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Workforce Identity Cloud: Roadmap & Feature Releases Webinar

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Customer Identity Cloud


Extensibility for modern Identity

Serverless developer tools easily extend and customise the actions you can take with Okta Customer Identity Cloud, powered by Auth0.

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A mock-up of a verification screen layered on top of an image of a woman typing on a keyboard in her in-home office

Identity that adapts with you

By enabling developers, businesses can quickly solve complex identity problems. Actions is our extensibility product that allows you to customise your Identity flows — from managing consent, to customising MFA, to verifying user identities, and beyond. 

A sample action code screen is layered on a image of a man wearing headphones while working on his laptop
A shield icon is encircled by logos with the different types of authentication options
A screenshot showing how you can drag and drop Actions into a flowchart
A screenshot showing how you can easily edit code with the tools offered by Actions
An image of a draft and version histories one, two, and three, with version three labeled as “deployed”
A screenshot of logs showing actions being checked and a pop-out labeled “Flow ran successfully” with a checkmark

Forms for Actions

Deliver better customer experiences and eliminate days or weeks of coding with Forms for Actions. This no-code visual editor allows developers to build customized sign-up flows based on their company’s needs. Discover pre-built templates, debugger mode, multi-language support, and much more.


Learn more from viewing our latest webinar. 

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Introducing Auth0 Actions

Read the blog ↗
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