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Beyond Login: Maximising CIAM’s Security Capabilities

Beyond Login: Maximising CIAM’s Security Capabilities

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Customer Identity Trends Report

Based on a survey of more than 20,000 consumers across 14 countries, this report examines customer attitudes toward convenience, privacy, and security, and the implications for online service providers.

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Delivering great digital experiences contributes to revenue and helps brands earn long-term loyalty.

But meeting customer expectations is an ongoing challenge for European companies.

Let’s find out why …

By the

As digital transactions continue to play larger roles in our lives, the number of accounts we need to keep track of increases as well.


of UK respondents have 10 or more active accounts


have 20 or more — above the European average of 39%

By the

Nothing causes more friction than passwords, and so trouble starts the moment customers begin setting up an account.


of UK respondents indicated feeling frustrated when they have to create a password that meets certain requirements


reported frustration with needing to create a new password for every new online service

Customers want control over their own data


The large majority of survey respondents consider it important to have control over their own data when interacting with a brand online.

Share of respondents indicating control is important by respondent region

Of all European respondents:

  • 67% are aware of their own data security practices
  • 66% of respondents in the UK are confident they are protecting their data with strong passwords
  • 45% claim they use different passwords for all of their accounts
  • 47% say they restrict the data they share as much as possible.
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Discover how European customers are thinking about Identity and optimize your digital experiences.

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