5 Signs Your Login Page May Need a Makeover

5 Signs Your Login Page May Need a Makeover

Customer expectations are higher than ever. UX stats show, 88% of online shoppers say that, after having a bad user experience, they wouldn’t return to a website. Customers expect a tailored digital experience that’s secure, but also allows them access to the applications they need—from whichever device is nearby. 

To that end, your application's login page is often a customer’s first impression of your app, and a key element in maintaining a trusted relationship with existing customers. Does your UX team recognize this opportunity to make a solid first impression? And if not, have you considered a login page makeover? Read on to discern whether your login page could use some extra love. Do any of the following mishaps look familiar?

It’s hard to find

Considering 18% of US online shoppers have abandoned an order solely due to a “too long / complicated checkout process”, you want your login page to make the process easier, never harder. 

A few tips: 

  • Have clear call-to-action language for your customer such as “Login”, “Sign-Up”, or “Create an Account”. 
  • Make your login page or button highly visible by incorporating distinguishing design components using color, size, and placement. 
  • Ensure consistent placement and design of the login portal throughout your website. This way, throughout their journey, customers know where to go to sign in or out.