5 ways to revolutionise retail

In 2024, roughly 22% of global retail sales are expected to occur online — a significant jump over 2019’s pre-pandemic figure of only 15%. And online’s share is expected to increase, with projections suggesting e-commerce will account for 24% of an $8.1 trillion dollar global market by 2026.

But even as consumer spending surges, retailers face strong headwinds:

  • Every retailer — no matter how big or how small — now competes in a truly global marketplace
  • Rampant inflation and rising interest rates are putting the squeeze on customers’ disposable income, further intensifying competition among retailers
  • With an increase in online shopping comes an increase in returns, forcing many retailers to explore fees to cover soaring shipping and processing costs

Discover 5 reasons why CIAM should be top of mind for every online retailer

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