Okta-on-Okta: Remote Work

How Okta’s technology and workplace leaders are enabling a Dynamic Workforce

Like most organisations, Okta rapidly transitioned to an entirely remote workforce in a matter of days due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, unlike most organisations, Okta’s technology and workplace teams had years of experience in supporting remote employees and a longer term strategy in place for Dynamic Work. Join Okta’s technology and workplace leadership in a series of discussions on how the Okta team is enabling and securing a fully remote workforce and what the future of Dynamic Work entails.

How Okta's Cloud First IT Strategy Enables a Dynamic Work Environment.
Part 1

How Okta's Cloud First IT Strategy Enables a Dynamic Work Environment

Chris Flynn, VP of Employee Enablement, Okta
Vicky Xiong Director of Engineering, Okta

Learn from Okta’s IT leadership about how the company’s 100% cloud-based architecture played a critical role in supporting business agility and sustaining workforce productivity for both IT and employees during this transition.