Okta Directory Integration - An Architecture Overview

For most companies, Active Directory (AD) or LDAP plays the central role in coordinating identity and access management policies. Directory integration typically serves as a "source of truth" for user identities, and it provides access control to on-premises resources such as networks, file servers, and web applications. A byproduct of the transition to cloud applications is the proliferation of separate user stores; each cloud application typically is rolled out independently and therefore has its own unique database of user credentials.

Okta's cloud-based identity and access management service solves these problems with a single integration point that provides a highly available solution for all cloud and web-based applications Active Directory integrations.

Read this whitepaper to learn how Okta eliminates the pitfalls that come with trying to build and manage multiple on-premises active directory integrations yourself.



User Directories and the Cloud: An Overview

For most companies, Microsoft Active Directory (AD) or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directories such as SunOne or Oracle Internet Directory play the central role in coordinating identity and access management policies. AD/ LDAP typically serves as a “source of truth” for user identities and provides access control to on-premises resources such as networks, file servers, and web applications (see Figure 1). When on-premises applications are integrated to Active Directory or LDAP, users get the best possible experience: they log in to their domain once and are granted access to the appropriate resources. Administrators benefit too—they maintain clear control over who has access to what. This model is ubiquitous because it works well with LAN-based architectures (where applications are served from hardware inside the firewall). But as we’ll show, this approach begins to break down as enterprises shift to cloud-based applications, and a new solution is needed.


WPR AD arch 1

Figure 1: AD or LDAP for on-premises application user identities


A byproduct of the transition to cloud applications is the proliferation of separate user stores; each cloud application typically is rolled out independently and therefore has its own unique database of user credentials (see Figure 2). This is a minor nuisance with only one or two applications, but as companies adopt more and more cloud applications, administrators are faced with an unmanageable number of different user directories. And this problem is only getting bigger. Users’ passwords proliferate with each new application, and administrators quickly lose control over who has access to what. Worse still, when an employee leaves, most companies cannot easily and accurately identify which accounts to deactivate, nor do they have any auditing capabilities to ensure the necessary deprovisioning occurs in a timely manner.


WPR AD arch 2

Figure 2: Adoption of cloud applications leads to proliferation of user stores


One solution to the problem of independent user store proliferation is to attempt to integrate all cloud applications to a single, shared identity store (see Figure 3). Active Directory or LDAP user stores are by far the most convenient options for this, as they can provide identity management for both on-premises and cloud-based applications. Some cloud application vendors provide APIs or toolkits that allow enterpr