3 Ways to Stop Account Takeovers Before They Begin

To put it bluntly, 2018 was a bad year for data security. Major consumer-facing corporations like Marriott and Facebook experienced some of the largest data breaches in history, exposing the data of millions of consumers. In total, 2018 saw an overall increase in compromised company records of 133% YoY, with an average of 291 records stolen every…

Understanding FIDO Standards: Your Go-To Guide

FIDO is an acronym that comes from the Latin fido, meaning ‘to trust’, which was popularised by Abraham Lincoln—who borrowed it to name his dog. It’s a fitting name for man’s best friend, and just as appropriate in the security world, where trust is key. A more technical reference, FIDO (Fast IDentity Online), emerged in 2012 and is backed by a…