Security Hacker: History, Types, Exploits, and Benefits
Security hackers exploit vulnerabilities within electronic systems. While all hackers work with code, their methods and expertise differ. Hackers also have individual reasons for hacking, and sometimes, hackers work against one another.
In general, “hacking” is a very vague term that could apply to almost anyone who works on code. But let’s dig into what security hackers are and what they do. If you work in security, you’ll either need to work with or against these people to keep your assets safe.
Who are security hackers?
In Hollywood movies, hackers are young people who hunch over computers in dark basements, tapping on keys for hours until they get just what they want. In reality, hackers come from all walks of life. And most of them don't need to work in dark basements. It's impossible to tell what they're doing (unless you're close enough to them to read their code).
In the 1960s, people started using the term "hacker" to describe p