This is the third and final blog post in our Adapt to the Cloud Operating Model series. With any organisational change that impacts people, process, and technology, it’s best to take it in stride. When talking with customers about their Zero Trust security initiatives, an analogy I often use is: “if Google’s BeyondCorp is the peak of Mt. Everest, let’s get you to Base Camp first.” The reasoning being, if you don’t set the right foundation and get the basic security posture elements lined up first, you won’t make it to the top. The same analogy applies to adopting cloud infrastructure. Whether you’re migrating existing workloads to the cloud, or deploying net new workloads, if not tackled early on, the challenges around speed, scale, and complexity will invariably rear their ugly head. We concluded our previous post on this topic with an adaptation of the DevSecOps mantra, Shift.