Script Kiddies and Skiddies: Identifying Unskilled Hackers

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Script kiddies, also known as skiddies, are novice hackers. Rather than building sophisticated tools from scratch, they use premade scripts to launch attacks.

Calling someone a “script kiddie” is an insult. But make no mistake. A skiddie can do a great deal of damage in a short amount of time. 

Script kiddie definition and history

Every hacker must start somewhere. Think of script kiddies as immature hackers who want to cause problems, but they don't have the skills to write and launch one from scratch.

A script kiddie attack is characterised by:

  • Repeatability. A script kiddie uses a pre-made attack that’s probably been used on other companies at different times. 
  • Openness. Script kiddies don’t know how to mask attacks, so you probably notice the problem right away. 
  • Unsophisticated. Script kiddies often can’t cover their tracks, so you may be able to identify who they are and where they come from very quickly. 
  • Impulsivity. These novice hackers rarely understand what t