Video Verification: Definition, Technology, Risks & Benefits
Video verification is a service springing from wider access to computer cameras, smart security cameras, and smartphones, which allow the use of photographs and videos to prove that a person is who they say they are. This is a quick and convenient method that allows a system to verify your identity.
With high-quality cameras in laptops, tablets, and smartphones, it is possible to verify identity in ways that are both convenient and very accurate. While many companies use their websites to collect proof of identity through scans or photographs of important documents, or even of your face, these can still be faked by savvy criminals. However, when a customer service agent from a verification service calls you using a video service, they can verify you are who you say you are by speaking to you directly, from the comfort of your own home.
How does video verification work?
International and work-from-home options are increasingly important in the modern world, which means you cannot walk into your local bank branch, corporate office, government institution, or another related facility with important documents in hand to talk to a customer service agent and verify that you are you. And, many institutions are required to Know Your Customer (KYC), meaning they need to go to extra lengths to verify their customers’ identities.
Enter video verification, allowing institutions to verify and onboard new customers by examining their vital documents while seeing a face attached to the process.