Strong Authentication - The fastest path to mitigating ransomware attacks

In the past few years incidents of ransomware have skyrocketed and ensuring that they are protected against this type of attack is imperative for business across all industries.

While small and medium enterprises may have once considered themselves too small to be the target of ransomware attacks, a growing number of organisations are learning the hard way that this is no longer the case. 

With the IT threat landscape and network perimeters changing at a rapid pace traditional IT security is no longer enough. Identity first security, in which security is based around confirming the identity of users rather than relying on usernames or passwords that can fall into the hands of adversaries, should therefore be a central part of organisations’ security strategy. 

Encompassing elements such as multi-factor authentication, single sign-on and zero-trust policy, establishing secure controls around identity is key to enabling strong authentication.

The following webinar, supported by bespoke research, will delve into how organisations can establish authentication strategies that will protect them against future threats, reduce attack surface and avoid security issues that stem from poor access control management. It will explore the tools and strategies that security practitioners can deploy to protect their organisation from ransomware and other cyber threats, and the importance of trust.

Watch the Webinar

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