The natural world is full of species that evolve not only to survive, but to flourish. Sea slugs steal DNA from the algae they eat so they can survive for days on sunshine alone, while in a more worrying trend, bacteria are evolving to outsmart the antibiotics we use to defend our health.
As the enterprise cybersecurity landscape changes thanks to evolving technology, organisations must take a page from nature’s manual, and learn how to not only adapt and survive, but thrive. Enterprise users have access to thousands of applications and resources, with many users regularly accessing at least 9 apps simultaneously every day. Provisioning complex levels of access manually is an almost impossible task.
To address this, enterprises are increasingly utilising centralised solutions that automate identity management. However, as each enterprise has unique characteristics, its identity management requirements also differ depending on their industry, how its employees work, and the systems they rely on to operate. In other words, the best solution is always customised for your specific enterprise.
The challenges of remote work for identity management