What Is GPS Spoofing and How Do You Defend Against It?

GPS spoofing is when a counterfeit radio signal is transmitted to a receiver antenna to counteract and override a legitimate GPS satellite signal. It is often a form of cyberattack perpetrated by bad actors attempting to steer goods or people off course. 

GPS spoofing can be used to steal shipments, send boaters into the hands of pirates, or project a false location. 

Global positioning system, or GPS, technology is a standard part of many businesses and used by many consumers. 

Using GPS can help individuals to navigate from one point to another. It is common practice for shipping and individuals relying on the technology to reach a specific destination. 

Companies and individuals can take measures to protect against GPS spoofing, including using decoy antennae and keeping GPS-enabled equipment offline when connectivity is not necessary. Practicing good cyber hygiene can also help to protect against GPS spoofing.

Defining GPS spoofing

In short, the word “spoofing” means faking. With GPS spoofing, “fake” information is sent to a receiver while overriding the actual information.

GPS spoofing involves a radio transmitter near a target that interferes with the actual GPS signals being transmitted. GPS signals are often weak and transmitted through satellites. A stronger radio transmitter can be used to override the weaker signal and send illegitimate coordinates and information to the receiver. 

GPS spoofing can then send people off course or say that someone is somewhere that they are not.

GPS is one of the global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) used in the world. Along with delivering location information, it is also used to keep accurate time. These functions can also be disrupted through spoofing or jamming.

Impacting businesses and individuals alike, GPS spoofing can interfere with smartphone apps and location data as well as involve cyberattacks on network systems and critical infrastructure that relies on GPS data.

How does GPS spoofing work?

The U.S. GPS system is made up of 31 satellites known as Navstar that broadcast PRN codes to both civilians and the U.S. military. The codes sent to the military are encrypted. Civilian PRN codes are not and are published in public databases. This makes them vulnerable to cyberattack. 

A hacker will first determine which of the GPS satellites will be nearby based on its orbit. From there, the hacker will then use the public PRN code to make a new code for each satellite. These signals are broadcast to the nearby satellites and gradually increased in strength until the receiver grabs hold of the spoofed codes. The attacker can then input false coordinates to the receiver.

Different types of GPS spoofing

GPS spoofing sends false data to a receiver to divert traffic, goods, or people with falsified information. When done on a large scale, such as by a state-sponsored actor, GPS spoofing can involve expensive equipment and expert operators. 

Russia, for example, has potentially engaged in nearly 10,000 spoofing cases, sending out false location data to civilian ships, to prevent drones from approaching President Putin and to safeguard sensitive sites. This type of spoofing involves equipment capable of sending spoofing signals potentially 500 times stronger than the authentic GNSS.

GPS spoofing can also be done with commercially available, cheap, and portable equipment too, including using software-defined radios running open-source software. With this type of spoofing, a broadcast antenna is used to point at a target’s GPS receiver to override the GPS signals provided by nearby buildings, aircraft, or ships.

Spoofing devices can also be carried onto airplanes by a passenger or deployed by a drone. These devices are small and handheld, inexpensive, and can be used very close to a target. 

Cyberattacks are also possible forms of GPS spoofing, often involving smartphone apps that interfere with the phone’s legitimate location data. 

The harms of GPS spoofing

GPS spoofing can be detrimental for both companies and individuals alike. Potential issues can have global implications. Some of the industries most vulnerable to GPS spoofing include shipping companies, construction companies, and rideshare and taxi companies. 

These are some hazards of GPS spoofing:

  • Misdirecting cargo shipments to alternate locations to steal the shipments: Often, shippers use GPS-enabled locks to ensure that they are only opened when they reach their destination, but GPS spoofing can unlock these.  
  • Hijacking a boat for piracy purposes: