Advanced Server Access

What Are Microservices?

Microservices architecture, also known simply as “microservices,” is an approach to building software with modular services that are distinct and independent from each other.  In recent years, microservices have become a popular choice for designing and deploying applications. They allow apps to be broken into smaller and loosely coupled pieces …

To Secure DevOps, We Need to Shift Identity Left

You know it, we know it: DevOps is a core function for any company that wants to deliver exceptional digital products to its customers. But as customers become used to rapid updates and new features from the applications they use every day, there’s an added pressure for your DevOps team to be continually innovating so that your business can do the…

Adapting to the Cloud Operating Model: Using Okta + HashiCorp to Automate Identity + Infrastructure as Code

Companies who employ DevOps programs have a goal in mind – to enable velocity at scale. Getting software out the door faster and more effectively is becoming critical to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced technology landscape. When speed is the name of the game, automation is key. Without the right guard rails, however, automation can be…

Putting the 8 Principles of Infrastructure Access into Practise

IT and security teams want to protect sensitive data and systems from online threats to preserve both the bottom line and their organisation’s reputation. This means securing access to cloud and on-prem infrastructure. But legacy techniques have largely failed users and IT administrators in this regard—it’s time for a modern approach. Why have…
