Educate your Workforce: Downloadable Posters with Security Best Practices

For many, January is an opportunity to hit the reset button. It’s around this time of year that you’ve probably jotted down your New Year’s Resolutions in that brand new 2019 planner, joined that fitness club down the street (that you’ve been too intimidated to set foot in), and charted out your professional “big rocks”, as we call them at Okta.

As Okta’s internal communications lead, I’ve learned the secret to sticking with the commitments you make to yourself and others is all about repetition. The more you do something, the easier and more second-nature it becomes. Last year, we applied that same principle to physical and digital security at Okta.

Continuing education on the evolving threat landscape

When it comes to cyberattacks, 2018 was an unprecedented year, with 1138 breaches reported as of early December, exposing over 561 million records. And, potentially more alarming, over 81% of hacking related breaches are caused by compromised credentials. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, our prevention techniques should follow suit.

Last year, we partnered with our Security and Workplace teams on a security awareness campaign focused on education and prevention. We shared fun, light-hearted posters in our elevators, break rooms and our digital displays. The graphics explored “password hygiene”, preventing phishing attacks, and best practices for working in public spaces. The overall message was that of ownership and shared accountability for making our company a safer place to work—digitally and physically.

As a security company, security is our No. 1 priority. We know it’s vitally important to you as well. So to help our customers promote their own security education and practices internally, we’ve made these posters available for your own use, available for download below!

Company presentation as nighttime newsOnly YOU can prevent phishing attacksSticky notes: the good and the bad

We encourage you to share these posters throughout your organizations. After all, in preventing cyber-attacks, an educated workforce is your first line of defense.