
Sharing Our Customers’ Journeys at #Oktane15

Every business is on a journey to build connections between people and technology. Some are building world-class IT infrastructure, others are driving BYOD and many are driving digital businesses. To be successful, businesses need to work with the best technology and service partners, and we're honored that thousands of customers have put us in…

Don’t Experience FOMO this November: 10 Reasons to Attend Oktane15

Oktane15 is only a month away and everything is coming together. The venue is set. Our speakers are all on board. We’ve put together a lineup of great activities — both informative and fun. But there’s one thing we can’t go to Las Vegas without … you! Already in its third year, Oktane15 is on track to be another successful three days where CIOs,…

ServiceNow: The Sky’s the Limit with Okta

ServiceNow provides leading cloud-based services to enterprise IT operations, turning manual, reactive IT organizations into automated, task-oriented ones. With 80 percent of their applications sitting in the cloud, ServiceNow turned to Okta to manage the many identities in those apps. Chris Asing, IT director at ServiceNow, recognized Okta as a…

Transform IT with ServiceNow: Okta App of the Week

This week, we turn to one of the most innovative cloud vendors in the IT operations market — and, guess what, they’re not a startup. Founded in 2004 and built natively in the cloud, ServiceNow is the first web-based SaaS offering for IT management. Equally as impressive has been the company’s ability to retain its position as a market leader by…
