Last week, I welcomed Adam Aarons and Hector Aguilar to the Okta team and offered some thoughts, culled from my time as an engineer, on what constitutes a great engineering team. It was meant as a bit of advice (for what it was worth), to Hector, our new VP of engineering – because admittedly, I’m an engineer at heart. I ran engineering at before founding Okta, and I approach most problems with an engineering mindset. It’s just how I’m wired. Product and engineering folks often assume that a great product “sells itself” and that the best product and technology will win. This is not true. Oracle was not the best database, and BetaMax was better than VHS. To win you need great product AND great sales. As CEO of Okta, I’m obsessed with making sure our sales team is the best in high tech. And as I.