Transparency and customer success are core values at Okta. Regrettably, this morning many Okta customers hosted in the US infrastructure experienced intermittent authentication and API errors starting at 4:30AM PT due to a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) against the Domain Name Service (DNS) provider Dyn. We took steps to mitigate the issues impacting the core AWS services immediately; while investigating, it became clear that we needed to switch to an alternative DNS provider. By 6:18AM PT, we switched to our secondary DNS provider. By 7:10AM PT, the overall rate of failures dropped off significantly. By 8:30AM PT service was fully restored, however because of DNS propagation issues, we continue to work with customers to troubleshoot any residual disruptions. While only a percentage of our traffic was impacted, we understand any impact is a big impact. Ultimately, our architectural and vendor choices are our responsibility, and so is the effect on customers.