In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, people and organizations are rallying to respond to unprecedented challenges. With this massive disruption to what we consider ‘normal’, more people than ever are working and studying from the comfort of home. Within our schools and universities, teachers and students are figuring out new ways of learning, ensuring that they can still meet their educational goals as they navigate this pandemic. To help achieve those goals, our educational institutions need best-in-class technologies that ensure their people are connected, productive, and secure. These unique challenges inspired us to publish a mid-year update to Businesses @ Work. In it, we’ve looked at month-over-month data from the Okta Integration Network (OIN) to understand what technologies and applications organizations are using in this unique situation. The OIN now includes nearly 8,000 customers and over 6,500 integrations with cloud, mobile and web apps, and IT infrastructure providers.