Okta + Datex DataStealth

Tokenize and encrypt personally identifiable information (PII) to satisfy data residency concerns

The Challenge

  • Changes to the regulatory landscape (including GDPR, PIPEDA, CCPA, and other regulatory requirements), have brought data privacy and data security to the forefront for many organizations with a global footprint
  • Regulations often prohibit passing personally identifiable information (PII) across country borders, even within the same company’s network
  • To meet these regulations while optimizing patient care, organizations need an efficient way to encrypt PII locally in real time before transmitting it

The Solution

  • DataStealth gives organizations the ability to tokenize and encrypt users’ PII locally, between users and service providers
  • This enables customers to use Okta’s industry leading identity and access management tools, including Universal Directory, Single Sign-On (SSO), and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), even in regions where Okta does not have infrastructure
  • DataStealth applies data protection policies to network traffic as it flows in real-time, to ensure organizations meet regulatory requirements
  • Organizations can add the protections of DataStealth to Okta in minutes, with no application changes or coding


Ensure protection and privacy of data with DataStealth + Okta

DataStealth and Okta work together to help companies comply with data privacy and residency regulations. With DataStealth’s physical or virtual appliance deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or hosted, customers are able to tokenize or encrypt user credentials (for customers, employees, and/or contingent workers) locally, between those users and Okta. This allows customers with data residency requirements to enjoy all the benefits of Okta and meet requirements at the same time.

For example, a user in Canada could attempt to log-in to a banking app making use of Okta’s authentication service, and their PII would be tokenized in Canada, before the data crosses the border to Okta in the US. This allows organizations to benefit from the industry-leading identity and access management capabilities of Okta in regions where Okta may not have in-region infrastructure, without needing to pass sensitive PII to Okta.


A simple, fast, secure approach to global regulatory compliance

DataStealth provides a simple plug-and-play solution that does not require application development or coding. Available as a physical or virtual appliance, DataStealth can be deployed on-premise, in a public or private cloud, or on a virtualized platform. For customers who want a completely hands-off approach, DataStealth can even be deployed as a SaaS version from Datex’s hosted management environment; in this version, customers don’t need to install any software and can take advantage of the joint DataStealth and Okta solution in minutes.


Stay compliant in any jurisdiction

  • Use Okta products and service in locations with strict data privacy and residency regulations, even if Okta has no in-region infrastructure
  • Leverage Okta infrastructure based in the US, while adhering to local regulations and contractual limitations regarding data residency required for customers outside the US
  • Stay within the bounds of GDPR, including no EU resident PII leaving EU safe zones, and adhere to the GDPR’s “Right to be Forgotten”
  • Get up and running quickly with a portable and simple joint solution that’s fast and easy to deploy