Okta + N2N: Bring Simplified Lifecycle Management to Complex Campus IT Environments

Simplify and automate lifecycle management of campus users with Okta and N2N Illuminate.

Applicants, students, faculty, and staff roles within a campus community can be dynamic, as people move from one milestone event to another, and staying ahead of changes in their user data can be challenging. Ensuring that users always have the appropriate access to the resources they need means directly integrating with the campus Student Information System and other authoritative data sources to keep data synchronized in real time. But, building those integrations can take institutions weeks or months, plus ongoing maintenance and support costs. Okta and N2N have a better solution, collaborating to make it easy for institutions to automate data synchronization across campus systems, so that all constituents can seamlessly access the services they’re authorized to use, with no delay. Seamless, secure, and turnkey integration is available today as a benefit for all educational institutions.