Cloud Identity for Customer and Partner Portals

There’s never been a better time to be a CIO. Increasingly, IT sits at the center of the enterprise, enabling business like never before. Today, marketing and sales teams rely heavily on technology tools for data insights and streamlined customer interactions. Siloes between departments fall away as leaders begin to understand the competitive significance of clear, consistent communication between employees, customers and partners.
Unfortunately, the process of integrating these new initiatives into existing corporate infrastructure can be rocky, and identity management sits squarely at the root of the problem. When a new portal creates another password for users who already face a long list of logins and access points, they may be reluctant to use it. IT also feels this burden: Growing and fragmented lists of access rights, identity frameworks, and password reset requests make it harder and harder to secure the business.
In this white paper, we show you how cloud-based identity management helps IT leaders overcome these challenges. Take low-adopter apps and turn them into business generators. Make systems that were once security liabilities function as your first line of defense against intrusions and breaches. Okta customers, such as Adobe, Zuora, and Rotary International, prove it’s all possible:

  • Increase app adoption and engagement
  • Streamline collaboration
  • Grow operational efficiency
  • Strengthen security
 Cloud Identity for Customer and Partner Portals

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