Checklist: Considerations for an HR-Driven IT Provisioning Solution

Onboarding new employees requires collaboration between two teams: HR and IT. Since HR is the first to change an employee’s status (e.g., hire, update, or terminate), they must relay the information to IT, who then creates app accounts, assigns devices, etc. However, HR often communicates with IT in manual ways (e.g., file extracts, phone calls, emails, and even in-person visits!) that don’t always scale. Furthermore, manual processes invariably result in mistakes such as propagating erroneous data or assigning incorrect access—clearly a security risk.

Automating your onboarding and offboarding processes with HR-Driven IT provisioning eliminates the pain of managing user lifecycle processes while reducing your security risks. As you evaluate an HR-Driven IT provisioning solution, take time to consider the following needs.

What Are Table Stakes?

When automating your identity lifecycles by connecting HR and IT, you expect the solution to do several things: create accounts, update them, and deactivate them based off triggers from the HR Information System—these define your table stakes

Key questions to consider:

  • Make employees productive from day one: Can the solution automatically onboard people a fe