Okta Apps for Good
Nadine James: Benevity is on a mission to constructively disrupt the way businesses do good.
Tess Murphy: Kiva's mission is to bring financial access to help underserved communities thrive.
Greg Baldwin: VolunteerMatch's mission is to make it easier for good people and good causes to connect to make a difference.
Jared Chung: CareerVillage.org is a high-tech nonprofit that crowd sources career advice for underserved youth at massive scale.
Tess Murphy: Now more than ever, employees want to work for a company that enables them to give back.
Greg Baldwin: So the problem VolunteerMatch has observed over the last 20 years is how hard it is for companies that want to give back to the community to really put their employees' talents and skills to good use at scale.
Jared Chung: The key for CareerVillage is to be able to make it so easy for people to participate in. You need to be able to have a big impact in a really short period of time.
Greg Baldwin: And the participation in the Okta network just makes it easier for us to get our service into the companies that need it most.
Jared Chung: Imagine if you could provision changing lives as easily as provisioning an email account.
Nadine James: With Okta, companies can roll out Benevity to their employees quickly and securely.
Tess Murphy: Okta is a crucial link in the chain of human connection, enabling global workforces to do good at scale.
Jared Chung: We're really excited about becoming a part of Okta's network because it gives us a first-class home inside of your company's tech stack. And that means that your employees can get started immediately changing lives. So please use the Okta Integration Network to turn on good.
Okta Apps for Good allows customers to seamlessly use “giving apps” to their workforces.