The latest film may take place in a galaxy far, far away, but we're staying close, close to home to get into the Star Wars mood. We're headed to Star Wars: The Force Awakens in San Francisco on Thursday, January 7 and we want our customers to join us. We've rented out an entire IMAX theater at the AMC Metreon 16 to see what some are calling the “best film in the series since [the] original trilogy” and have lots of extra tickets for our customers to join in the intergalactic fun. Here are the details: Where: AMC Metreon 16, 135 4th Street, San Francisco 94103 When: Thursday, January 7 @ 3:00pm (arrive no later than 2:45pm) Who: You! (And many other Bay Area customers, plus the full Okta team.) How: Tweet @okta with #oktadoesstarwars or send an email to to reserve your ticket. Each ticket also comes.