At RSAC19, The Cloud Security Alliance hosted a discussion titled, “The Approaching Decade of Disruptive Technologies,” featuring security leaders from Duo, Centrify, Onapsis, and Okta’s own Executive Director of Cybersecurity Strategy, Marc Rogers. IOActive CEO Jennifer Steffens led the session with the intent of discussing what disruptive technologies are expected to impact security in the next 10 years. For me, one of the most interesting aspects of the session was not how these “disruptive technologies” are going to impact security in the coming years. But rather, which ones were perceived by our panelists as marketing buzzwords rather than legitimate points of interest. “By definition, disruptive technologies replace or make something else irrelevant,” said Wendy Nather, Head of Advisory CISOs, Duo Security, now part of Cisco. “Have we made something unnecessary or are we just layering security spackle and not really disrupting the industry yet?” In this post, I’ll talk about.