For the first time, Okta has joined the TechWomen program earlier this fall. The program brings young women professionals from Middle East, Africa and Central Asia to the US for 5 weeks of a professional mentorship, allowing for both a professional and cultural exchange. It's a new way to give women professionals from different global locations the opportunity to connect with tech professionals in the Bay Area. As part of this program, Okta hosted 2 professionals for 5 weeks in San Francisco, along with a cultural mentorship and seed fund for the social projects at the home country of the Emerging Leaders. One of the Emerging Leaders of our program here at Okta is Heba El Houjairy. Read on to hear about Heba’s experience in her own words. Heba El Houjairy and her story As a Techwomen Emerging Leader I am super excited to share more about my 5 weeks.