In this edition of The Dogfooding Chronicles, we’re going to discuss both sides of the same security coin: 1. How your end-users can serve as the first line of defence against credential-based attacks, and 2. how your IT department can automate tactical defence actions by using Okta’s new Workflows automation and UserInsight tools. Frodo! I swore to protect you Just as Samwise Gamgee swore to protect Frodo, IT and Security teams are on the hook to protect their organizations. IT departments use a wide range of tools to protect them from malicious attacks. These protections range from beefing up the security on edge devices such as firewalls, installing endpoint security software on employee laptops, or securing the workforce with Identity and Access Management solutions like Okta. But with people as the new perimeter, who better to serve as your dynamic monitoring tool than your own employees!? After all, Frodo.